Digital serious escape games to educate your collaborators on sustainable development issues, corporate well-being and security.
A participative tool encouraging good practice
Alone or in multiple teams of 2 to 6 players, approx. 90 minutes
Credible and convincing
Scenarios inspired by current challenges and real-life events
Collaborative e-learning
Fun, accessible, educational and with high impact
Our games
Food chain
A family sits down for dinner. The food progressively disappears from the plates. A visitor from the future enters the room… Address the issues of the eco-food value chain !
Our planet’s resources are finite, but global warming and the demand for food are increasing all the time. Embark on a journey through time and make the decisions that will ensure sustainable growth. You only have 60 minutes. Will you be up to the challenge?
Players find themselves at the center of the agri-food business. Between colleagues they take decisions that can ensure sustainable growth: intensive or local production, biodiversity, regeneration, labels, meat, fair value creation, packaging, supply chain, marketing, consumption, recycling,…

Our games
A diamond theft leads the players into an international investigation. Dive into the complex world of sustainability in the luxury sector !
Whether of certified origin or a synthetic product, a diamond set in a piece of jewellery is the result of several arbitrations to meet the codes of luxury and claim an undisputed limited social and environmental impact.
Players find themselves in a diamond mine and follow the distribution chain to a point of sale in Asia. Together with their colleagues, they will have to face the many challenges that exist within the lifecycle of a luxury product : extraction conditions, human rights, certifications, packaging (eco-design), transport, marketing,…
Our catalogue
Our digital escape games help companies raise employees’ awareness of the behaviours and decisions that promote sustainable development, well-being and security in the workplace.
The A-maze catalogue also includes solutions with other themes
Players find themselves at the heart of the agri-food business, taking decisions among colleagues that can guarantee sustainable growth: intensive or local production, biodiversity, regeneration, labels, meat, fair value creation, packaging, distribution chain, marketing, consumption, recycling, etc.
IT security is an issue that concerns every business and individual in the 21st century. Ransomware, phising, DoS or DDoS attacks and password cracking are all terms we now have to live with and fear. The game teaches you how to protect yourself against computer total safety.
Gender equality
Gender equality, particularly between men and women, is a key issue for society. How can stereotypes be recognised? Can a pay gap be justified? Are job opportunities equally distributed? When do we start talking about harassment? How do you define sexist behaviour? All these topics are covered in the game.
Sustainable finance
Sustainable finance is on everyone’s lips. Some see it as helping to solve the climate crisis, while others see it as the mother of all excesses through greenwashing. This digital escape game gives you the keys to understanding the potential of sustainable finance and its limitations. Above all, it will enable you to adopt a language and acquire skills in this complex and constantly evolving financial sector.
Sustainable Fashion
Coco Chanel used to say: fashion goes out of fashion, style never does. Fast fashion is the ultimate expression of fashion that goes out of fashion. Its detractors prefer more sustainable fashion, more environmentally-friendly materials and a less flashy style. Fashionisto takes you through the different options available to fashion designers and manufacturers.
Leadership & Management
Being a leader is not always an inborn gift. Being a good leader, even more so. In this game, we talk about the qualities that will enable you to improve your management, and will adress how to analyse profiles, how to communicate, take responsibility, develop cooperation and create the conditions for your team's success.
Fight against corruption
In most countries, companies are now obliged to train and educate their staff in the fight against corruption. We take you on a tour of the business world and shows you the do's and don'ts of the legislation.
Data protection
Data protection is an issue that affects every company's right to privacy and every aspect of its activities. Control over the collection and use of personal data lies at the heart of this challenge. In this game, we look at the risks of intrusion, with the aim of raising user awareness, managing authorizations, securing workstations and mobile computing, and protecting the internal IT network.
Escape games sur mesure
A-maze can develop games on your own themes, with the values you hold dear and the messages you want to convey. Upon interest, we will be happy to provide you with a quote.
Advantages of gamification
- To address the issues of sustainable development, well-being and safety, companies will be confronted with the challenges of training and developing their teams’ skills. Compared to traditional training, gamification has several advantages: it is more fun and engaging, it is logistically simple and reduces costs among others, the recruitment of trainers and travel expenses.
- Applied to training, gamification allows the standardization of practices and learning at a large scale and within a short period of time. It helps build a corporate culture and creates bonds within an international team or in a company that has introduced teleworking.
- The introduction of gamification within a global training strategy should be seen as a complement rather than an alternative tool. Depending on the themes addressed and the target audience, a more traditional training format involving discussions, group work or shared experiences may remain necessary.
- Last but not least, competition encourages participants to excel in order to defeat other teams. It also stimulates collaboration between colleagues. This in turn will increase their commitment during a training course.
About a-Maze
Companies are gradually rethinking their value creation model to ensure a harmonious development for all their employees. To show their commitments, one of their challenges is to promote a change of mindset and behaviours within their own organisations.
The serious escape games developed by a-Maze aim to stimulate new reflexes to support the development of our society. Each experience invites participants to find solutions that will allow them to escape the maze of the game as well as that represented by the challenges we face every day.
dss+ and Voxia communication, both forward-looking companies and recognized influencers have combined their talents and convictions to create a-Maze.
Companies wishing to educate train their staff in a fast and effective way to meet the challenges of their private or professional environment. Depending on the theme chosen, players will be able to tackle topics as diverse as the eco-food value chain, the journey of a diamond as a luxury good, agribusiness, cybersecurity, gender equality, sustainable finance, sustainable fashion, leadership, fight against corruption and data protection.
Scripts and enigmas riddles have been created to address universal themes shared by the largest number of companies. The games can be personalised and adapted to the desired themes.
The game can be played alone or in teams of 2 to maximum 6 players. Unlimited number of simultaneous players.
It takes between 1 ½ and 2 hours to get the most out of the Diamondo and Agrimondo training courses. 5’ beforehand to connect, welcome and brief the participants, 1 hour of play (approximately) and 25’ to debrief and discuss with colleagues.
All games can be accessed via major web browsers whether you use a desktop or a laptop computer. A camera and a microphone are required to interact with team mates.